LFO 1 Troubleshooting continues and a storebought module digression

Alright, I know all posts so far have been about building my SYS-700 modules, but I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts about some of the storebought modules that have made their ways into my racks. But first an update on LFO 1’s troubleshooting work. LFO 1 turned out to have a …

Troubleshooting Continues!

I’m elbow-deep in troubleshooting the 1st of the 2 LFO’s. It is oscillating fine, and is even outputting the various waveforms that it should be capable of with gusto. But the Frequency pot isn’t adjusting the frequency. Fortunately, the generous exports at Muffwiggler are assisting. Additionally, the IC’s for the Phase Shifter arrived from China, …