Distortion Series Breadboard Buddies

The Breadboard Buddies series are simple boards designed to be plugged into breadboards to ease the process of prototyping, and along the way I also built a number of distortion circuits into this form factor for my own experimentations into classic distortion circuits. I selected 6 circuits and went through them one by one, building …

Enter Song Naga

I’ve been busy! I’m now developing and designing circuits for Eurorack and breadboarding projects. I’m calling this new venture “Song Naga” since modular synthesis is a snakey business in my experience. Here’s a list of what I’ve been up to: Projects Eurorack Two Headed Cockatrice (Dual Deluxe VCADSR) – this is in early concept stages, …

It’s been almost 5 months! An Update

It’s been ages since I made a post, so there’s plenty to catch up on! Rambutan Arrives! We brought how our new hedgehog Rambutan on October 2nd and introduced her to her new habitat, which she seemed to take to right away. We had purchased a hide for her that hadn’t arrived yet, so we …

Adult male dubia roaches are sighted

It has finally happened! After weening myself off of compulsively peering in on all my various CUC’s and establishing a care routine where I only have to interact with their enclosures every other day for all beasts except for the roaches (who still get daily water changes), I have settled for a thorough investigation of …

Ok last super worm, you win

All of my super worms have pupated or died off at least a week ago at this point. Except one. In my last scouring of the super worm bin’s substrate for any final super worms to put into the pupating case, I removed the last stragglers, which were mostly small specimens that were avoided in …

CUC Spotlight: Dwarf Purple isopod ranch

Today we look at the least of my isopods, the Trichoniscus sp. or Dwarf Purple isopod. These are also called “micropods” by some, which I think is a great description for these tiny and elusive beasts. These isopods are VERY shy, and seem to spend the bulk of their time down in the soil rather …

Let’s replace those poisonous plants

One benefit of taking a couple months to plan and start the vivarium before getting a hedgehog is that it has given me lots of time to do my homework on everything that is going into the enclosure. I picked up a jade plant while shopping for vivarium plants and planted it in with the …