Bronx Beasts at Dragonflight 40

I was able to run “The Handoff” at Dragonflight this year! It was a great start of the con and very low pressure for my 1st official con game. I had some veteran gamers at the table that handled themselves like pro’s. I was worried that the adventure was too short to fill up a 4 hour slot, but the time flew and I think we arrived at some sort of acceptable conclusion to the madness. PC’s fled to the four winds, pursued by ninjas and killer reptiles.

Thanks to the gamers that made my 1st con judging experience a memorable success!


The chimpanzee that climbed an overpass and Grand Theft Auto-style got into the first car that came along, except that he let the driver, Chico, continue to drive. Chico’s Ford LTD was last seen headed North on I-278 and the two were never heard from again.

The horse that fled south to Downing Stadium, crashed a Fleetwood Mac sound check, had an epic shootout, and ended the adventure as Fleetwood’s new bass player.

The grizzly and rhino that acted as freight train and ferry for countless smaller beasts while they braved ninjas, reptiles, and superscience alike.

The stealthy squirrel and raccoon duo that evaded a squadron of rapto-cycles in a Dodge van, then eventually drove to safety, collected most of the others in the group and safely arrived an the final destination in the adventure and safety.