A Rush and a Push …

I returned from a 6 day trip to Arizona to find the replacement IC’s had arrived, and quickly worked on several ‘problem’ modules to install these and test them out. I was able to successfully test the Noise/Ring Mod and the 2 VCA’s. I was also able to add IC’s back to the already-tested Mixer and finish setting that up. I attempted to calibrate the Noise/Ring Mod, and the only issue to follow up there on is that I seem to be getting a ~4Vp-p noise level at best rather than at 10Vp-p noise level as the calibration instructions suggest.

The VCA’s have yet to be calibrated, but are able to pass and attenuate an audio signal fed into it, which they weren’t doing previously. Calibrating these will be the next priority.

In reviewing the ADSR’s materials list for problem IC’s, I found that there were none, and it appears that all it was missing from this module was the push-button that was added last post, so it is also ready for testing. Beyond that, my pecking order will be based on “lowest part count first:”

  • LFO’s
  • Filters
  • Oscillators