5 months later …

I can’t believe that 5 months have passed since I had last posted! I’ve been busy: my Advanced Electronic Music class began at the Evergreen State College and I’ve continued to build several more Eurorack modules, as well acquire a number of ‘store bought’ ones. My single case of modules has ballooned out to 5 cases of various sizes and configurations, and my collection has started to sort itself into some sort of an order.

The System 700 is still as it was, a standalone testament to the glory of Roland. I have used it very little, as I’ve been too busy building modules to have much time to actually use them.

I built a Weston Audio 2VL1 Dual Oscillator, and after meeting the designer in Portland in October, decided to build several more into an oscillator bank. The original intention was to combine them with several Mutable Instrument Warps, which would provide signal mingling capabilities that could turn the 2VL1’s into complex oscillators in a pinch. It turns out that Warps includes its own oscillator as well, so I’ve re-thought this case a bit as I really don’t need 12 oscillators (but it would still be fun). This has been coupled to a 12-point buffered multi and an octal VCA. I intended to build 4 Warps, but these modules include some increadibly complex IC’s that must be soldered with skills suprassing my abilities. I destroyed 2 in my attempts, and am sitting on the other 2 with intentions of hiring someone to do this soldering work for me so I can move on to building the rest of the module.

The next case is known as the “Chiptune Voyager” as is the home for my other oscillators, filters, VCA’s, effects, and mixers. It currently contains:

Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Double Helix Oscillator

Mutable Instruments Plaits

Sid Guts Deluxe

Threshold (aka micro Mutable Instruments Edges)

AI Synthesis AI008 Matrix Mixer

Mutable Instuments Shades

AI Synthesis AI004 OTA VCF

Make Noise Dynamix